Helping sports organization solve integrity, growth, and development challenges

How We Work

Nothing is more important to the satisfaction of the client than making sure from the beginning that the consultant and the client accurately define the client's needs and scope of work involved in the project.

From initial inquiry through the execution of a written agreement, there is no commitment on the part of the client to SMR or of SMR to the client and no charge for SMR services.  However, the client is responsible for out-of-pocket costs (travel, hotel, meals, overnight mail service, etc.) related to achieving a written agreement.  For most projects, at least one face-to-face meeting is necessary for the client to feel that retaining SMR would be a good fit and for the client and SMR to feel that there was a mutual understanding of expected deliverables.

The most commonly asked questions of consulting firms are:

What is your consulting process?

What is the content of the consulting agreement?

What do you charge?

Click on any question to get our answers.

We also keep a list of frequently asked questions about consulting services in general and SMR consulting services specifically.