Helping sports organization solve integrity, growth, and development challenges

Staff Building / Diversity

Evaluation of Supervisors

Note:  Following are excerpts from the prepublication manuscript.  Do not distribute without citation.  
Lopiano, D.A. and Zotos, C. (Publication 2013) The Athletics Director’s Handbook:  A Comprehensive Practical Guide to the Management of Scholastic and Intercollegiate Athletics Programs.  Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.

The following instrument could be used to obtain an employee evaluation of her/his supervisor.

Student-Athlete Evaluation of Coach


Note:  Following are excerpts from the prepublication manuscript.  Do not distribute without citation.  
Lopiano, D.A. and Zotos, C. (Publication 2013) The Athletics Director’s Handbook:  A Comprehensive Practical Guide to the Management of Scholastic and Intercollegiate Athletics Programs.  Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.

The following instrument should be used to obtain a student-athlete evaluation of each head coach and each assistant coach with whom the student-athlete has worked.

Q: Should there be a special policy that addresses the safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender student-athletes?

A:  Yes – as well as LGBT staff, parents and spectators.   While athletics department and institutional policies commonly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, homophobia and harassment based on sexual orientation is too frequently encountered in the athletics culture.  Thus, the athletics department should consider including the following specific elements as part of a LGBT Safe Environment policy:

Q: How Can Athletic Departments Be More Aggressive Recruiting Minority Staff in the Marketplace?

ANSWER:  Athletic Director leadership is everything when it comes to encouragement of minority recruiting.  Require the hiring supervisor for any open position to identify the top female and minority prospects regionally and nationally for that position and to personally call or visit those prospects to urge them to apply.  Waiting for “paper candidates” is simply not good enough when supply does not meet demand.  The process for developing a top recruiting list is as  simple as developing a scholarship prospect list – you must identify the talent.&

Q: Is Violence on the Playing Field A Male Issue?

A:  The environment we create for our children and student-athletes is the result of a complex interplay of numerous social contexts and interactions.  The print and electronic media, major sporting events and, in general, the cultural institution of sport, play a major role in the fabric of the lives of American youth.  Any cultural institution that invites or celebrates male aggression and violence contributes to the problem.  Professional sport in our society does that.  Male violent behavior is not only often unquestioned, it is often celebrated in sport (as it

Q: How can Athletics Directors or Executive Directors of open amateur sports programs help control unnecessary violence in sport?

A:  The real challenge is to ask what can each of us do to clearly integrate for our coaches and student-athletes the notions of aggression, competition and respect for our opponents.  Can we explain the difference between making a clean block or crisp tackle and initiating body contact with the intent to maim?  Can we remove hate language and the denigration of any group from the locker room (and classroom, and hallways) and make it clear that both are unacceptable?  Change occurs one person at a time with one small act at a time.  Which of the following can you do

Q: How would you design a diversity program that resonates with coaches?

A:  Coaches are often the most literal among athletic department employees with regard to needing to see the practical application of theory.   Thus, the success of in-service diversity programs will increase in relation to (1) the perceived utility of the information presented to the user, (2) respect for the expertise of the presenter  and (3) whether there is an emotional connection between the presenter and the audience.  Traditional diversity workshops are often led by presenters who do not connect with coaches with regard to the practical realities they face.&

Q: How Do You Get Stakeholders to Embrace Change?

Key to successfully influencing others is an understanding of the mechanisms of ‘change’.  What the athletics director is really trying to do when asking others to think in a certain way, take specific actions or provide resources is to change that other person’s thinking to support a new position.   An athletics director may not only have to deal with the challenge of all employees accepting the change, but possibly parents, student-athletes and donors too.  Think of what will go through the hearts and minds of student-athletes and donors who are asked to accept and sup