Helping sports organization solve integrity, growth, and development challenges

Strategic Planning

Diversity Key Performance Indicators

Key to achieving objectives is specifying those actions and programs that will produce desired results and tracking these actions and programs as “key performance indicators” (KPI).  Thus, each objective in the strategic plan should have a list of KPIs and how those KPIs will be tracked.   Further, consideration should be given to tracking KPIs by employees responsible for their achievement (i.e., tracking the race, ethnicity and gender of all employees by supervisor responsible for hiring that staff unit).  Following are examples of KPIs that are matched to diversity ob

Sample Diversity Goal and Objectives

Setting goals and establishing measurable objectives is a key first step in achieving diversity outcomes.  In general, a goal should be a broad, narrative, and visionary expression of the athletics program’s diversity commitment while objectives are specific, measurable and may include a timeframe for achievement.  Typically, a diversity goal is one of many goals established by the athletics department and a part of the athletics program’s strategic plan.  Alternatively, or in addition, the athletics department may have a separate diversity plan with its own goals and objecti

Q: How long does it take to complete the process of creating a strategic plan?

Depending on the developmental status of the organization, the readiness of the organization's leaders, the extent to which staff or the board or directors has done their homework, a strategic plan can be developed in as little as several months or as long as year. We're not talking about a review and modification of an existing strategic plan, which should happen annually.