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Residence Hall Policies for Overnight Camps

Note: Do not use this sample policy without customizing it for your institution and, if necessary, having the document reviewed by institutional legal counsel or higher administration to ensure consistency with local, state, and federal laws and institutional policy.

1.0    General. Overnight camps increase supervisory responsibilities. Access to residence halls must be controlled, and staff supervisory responsibilities for overnight campers must be clearly defined. Harmful behavior including pranks, hazing, or other forms of personal intimidation among campers are expressly prohibited.

2.0    Required Orientation Session. On the first evening of camp, all staff and campers must attend an education session that reviews all residence hall policies.

3.0    Key Fob System. Access to all residence halls shall be controlled by a key fob system. Each camper and staff member who is staying in the residence halls will be given an external entrance key fob and an individual room key. Giving this key fob or room key to anyone else is strictly prohibited.

4.0    Authorized Personnel and Campers Only. No one is permitted in any of the residence halls except for campers and staff members who are residing there. A camper who gives access to any other person shall be immediately dismissed from camp. All campers must tell the residence hall supervisor if they see someone in the residence hall who does not belong there.

5.0    Security Rules
5.1    Locked Rooms at All Times. All room doors must be closed and locked when a room is unoccupied.
5.2    Curfew. All campers must be in the residence halls by 9:00 p.m. unless a regularly scheduled camp event is taking place. If an event is taking place, campers must return to the residence halls as soon as the event concludes. Campers must abide by the 11:00 p.m. lights-out rule.
5.3    Prohibited Activity. Any activity that endangers the physical, emotional, or mental health of a camper (horseplay, teasing, hazing, and so on) is strictly prohibited in the residence halls or anywhere else on campus. Running or yelling in hallways is strictly prohibited.
5.4    Courtesy. Excessive noise of any kind is prohibited.
5.5    Disciplinary Action. Failure to adhere to these rules could result in a warning, probation including reduction of camp privileges, or dismissal from camp.

6.0    Room Damage. If a camper’s behavior results in damage to the residence halls or any other facilities, the camper will be charged for repairs or replacement and be dismissed from camp.

7.0    Residence Hall Supervisors. All staff members that have residence hall supervision responsibilities must be present in the residence halls directly after the evening workout session or activity, attend dinner with campers, attend breakfast with campers, and accompany campers to the first scheduled activity the following morning. Residence hall supervisors must diligently walk the halls until the final lights-out check and follow all procedures written in the duties document. Any staff member who leaves the residence hall during supervisory hours or is complicit in covering for a negligent supervisor will be terminated immediately

8.0    Documentation of Disciplinary Incidents. Supervisors must stop all inappropriate (undisciplined, rowdy, demeaning, abusive, vulgar, and so on) behavior as soon as possible, document it, and report it to the camp director the next morning. In the case of behavior that was potentially threatening to another camper or clearly violated a policy that addresses the well-being of any person, the staff member must report it to the camp director immediately.

Excerpt from:
Lopiano, D. and Zotos, C.  (2013)  Athletic Director’s Desk Reference.  Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.
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