Instructions: This form must be signed and submitted before your child or ward will be permitted to participate. Parents are expected to review these expectations with their children before the first day of camp.
To support a safe and positive camp experience for all participants, all campers are expected to observe the following rules:
- Campers must follow all directions given by camp staff unless they violate ethical or safety standards. In that case, the camper should report the staff member to the camp director.
- Campers must stay with their assigned group. If a camper must leave the group for a restroom break, to get a piece of equipment, or for another important reason, he or she must tell the counselor, who will assign a staff member or a camp buddy as an escort.
- Campers are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages to camp or from participating under the influence of alcohol.
- Campers are prohibited from bringing illegal drugs to camp or from participating under the influence of illegal drugs.
- Campers are prohibited from bringing cigarettes to camp or from smoking anywhere on campus whether the cigarettes belong to them or not.
- Campers are prohibited from bringing any type of weapon to camp (chains, knives, guns, and so on).
- Campers must report to their counselor or to the camp director any situation when they see another camper with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or a weapon.
- Campers are prohibited from taking part in activities that are embarrassing, offensive, dangerous, or demeaning to themselves or to others (teasing, pranks, hazing, initiations, and so on). If these activities take place, campers must report it to their counselor or to the camp director.
- Campers are prohibited from providing access to residence halls to anyone who is not residing there.
- Campers are prohibited from leaving the residence halls after 9:00 p.m. unless attending a scheduled camp activity.
- Campers are prohibited from leaving their residence hall room after lights out at 11:00 p.m. except in the case of an emergency.
- Campers are expected to report any problems that come to their attention that could affect the physical, mental, or social well-being of another camper or themselves.
Depending on the severity of the infraction, any camper who fails to abide by these behaviors could receive sanctions including but not limited to the following:
- Warning.
- Probation that reduces certain camp privileges such as participation in evening games. Parents will be notified if their child is placed on probation as an alert that another occurrence could result in him or her being asked to leave camp.
- Revocation of continued participation in camp. Parents will be notified and will be expected to pick up their child as soon as possible. If parents are going away while the child is at camp, an alternate family member or friend with contact information must be listed on file as the person who will be responsible for the child in the parent’s absence.
- Notification of campus or local police of the violation (alcohol, drugs, weapons, and so on) and allowing them to determine next steps.
If a child’s participation in camp is revoked because of violations of any of these behaviors or any other behaviors that create a negative or unsafe camp environment, registration fees will not be returned.
I have reviewed these behavioral expectations with my child and I understand that if he or she does not abide by them, I may be notified by camp or law enforcement officials. I, or a designated alternate, may have to pick up my child as soon as possible. I also understand that no part of the registration fee will be returned.
Parent or guardian’s signature: _________________________________
Date: ______________
Excerpt from:
Lopiano, D. and Zotos, C. (2013) Athletic Director’s Desk Reference. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
This publication includes over 300 downloadable forms, risk assessment checklists, and policies and planning tools which are designed to be customizable for your institution.