Helping sports organization solve integrity, growth, and development challenges

Student-Athlete Evaluation of Coach


Note:  Following are excerpts from the prepublication manuscript.  Do not distribute without citation.  
Lopiano, D.A. and Zotos, C. (Publication 2013) The Athletics Director’s Handbook:  A Comprehensive Practical Guide to the Management of Scholastic and Intercollegiate Athletics Programs.  Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.

The following instrument should be used to obtain a student-athlete evaluation of each head coach and each assistant coach with whom the student-athlete has worked.


NAME OF COACH__________________________SPORT_______________DATE_______________


  • This rating form has been prepared to obtain an assessment of your athletics experience under the direction of a member of our coaching staff.   A separate form should be completed for the head coach and each assistant coach with whom you have received regular contact and sports skills and strategy instruction.  
  • Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each statement by putting an “X” in front of the response which most accurately describes your experience. 
  • For each statement, there is an optional opportunity for you to make constructive comments or suggestions which might help improve the athletics experience. 
  • NOTE:  All student-athlete assessments are aggregated into a summary report that is discussed as part of each coach’s annual performance evaluation.  This form will be destroyed once the data has been transferred to the aggregate summary.

1.    The atmosphere of the practice sessions enhance player and team morale.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

2.    There is mutual respect between coach and player.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

3.    The coach demonstrates a sound knowledge of his or her sport.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

4.    All material is presented in a clear and precise manner. 
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

5.    Before or after practice, there is ample opportunity for exchange of ideas between player and coach. 
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

6.    The coach attends every practice. 
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

7.    The coach is on-time for practice.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

8.    Practice sessions are well organized and demanding--both physically and mentally.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

9.    The coach provides adequate explanation of new material. 
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

10.    The coach treats each athlete as an individual.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

11.    The coach sets clear rules and conduct expectations and is consistent in enforcing them.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

12.    The team is well prepared for each contest. 
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

13.    The coach demonstrates concern for my academic success.
____Always               ____Almost always            ____Sometimes           ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

14.    1 would say that my overall experience with this team has been: 
____    Excellent    ____Very Good      ____Satisfactory        ____Unsatisfactory

Additional suggestions for improvement: